Give ur self the motivation to quit by preparing.
You must want to give up before you can ever think about it.
We all find excuses and reasons for not quitting. You might be worried about the cravings, putting on weight, dealing with stress or everyone around you smokes which makes it hard.
Write down when you first began smoking and why. Maybe it was cool too smoke or all your friends done it. This always helps you to realise how silly your reasons were for starting.
Then write down how you felt before you began smoking. Perhaps you were full of energy, confident and more motivated.
Finally write down the reasons why you want to stop smoking. Being a non-smoker means you feel healthier, save money, smell fresher, and reduce the risk of disease.
Keep the paper and refer to it when you’re planning to quit.
You must then set some stages for your self over those three months.
Example of this might be;
Stage 1.
By the end of the First month I want to be smoking 6 cigarettes per day.
By the end of the second month I want to be down to 3 cigarettes per day.
This month I will try to get down to one cigarette per day aiming to stop completely on the date 02/08/2007.
Is it at the pub, after a meal, on a break at work?
Make a list of these situations and stick it on a wall or take the list everywhere you go to remind you. Plan ways to avoid temptations.
Consult your doctor about using nicotine patches or gum or Zyban. These products can help you deal with cravings and increase your chances of success. They are available on prescription.
Take the plunge
It’s now reached that time and you are doing excellent. Your well prepared and now have the support of your family and friends. You have met your goals in the planning stages and now you’re ready to stop smoking for good. Imagine how fresh and healthy you will feel.
The night before you quit you must get rid of any temptations. Check your entire house. Check your pockets. Throw away any cigarettes, lighters, matches and ashtrays. Anything that will remind you of smoking.
- Cravings - your brain is missing the nicotine fix, this will get better after time.
- Coughing - your lungs are clearing out tar. Warm drinks always help to soothe your cough.
- Hunger, diarrhea or constipation - your body is just returning to normal, eat more healthy snacks and avoid junk food.
- Dizziness - your brain is getting used to having a normal amount of oxygen. Don't worry this should only last a few days.
- Trouble sleeping, bad mood swings - this is nicotine withdrawal and shouldn't last long
Remember that your family and friends are always there to help you, encourage you and remind you of the reasons why you are quitting.
Well done you have finally giving up. So feel proud of yourself. It’s been a long and very hard journey so don't spoil it by thinking you can now handle just one quick cigarette. This would make the whole journey pointless.
Stay motivated by reminding yourself ever morning in the mirror that you’re in control and you are now a non-smoker.
You will notice that your skin and teeth will look healthier.
You will eventually feel more energetic and your cough and horrible wheeze will disappear. Your circulation and lungs will improve day by day.
This is now time for you to think about your diet and health. Please click the link to check out my six steps to keeping healthy. Stay Healthy